What Is Islam? A Brief Introduction

What Is Islam? A Brief Introduction This brief introduction about Islam, which is a contributio ...

Love and Sex in Muslim Societies

Love and Sex in Muslim Societies

Love and Sex in Muslim Societies “Love” is that word, which makes the eyes of youths glow upon ...

Man Between the Two Laws

Man Between the Two Laws

Man Between the Two Laws Man is born with intellect and understanding through which he is disti ...

Recapturing Human Dignity Through the Higher Objectives of Islamic Law

Recapturing Human Dignity Through the Higher Objectives of Islamic Law

Recapturing Human Dignity Through the Higher Objectives of Islamic Law ...


Revitalizing Higher Education in the Muslim World

Reform and revitalization in higher education are essential elements for the Ummah's awakening ...

Towards A Fiqh For Minorities Some Basic Reflections

Towards A Fiqh For Minorities Some Basic Reflections

Towards A Fiqh For Minorities Some Basic Reflections This book is a timely and important subjec ...


The People of the Edge: Religious Reform and the Burden of the Western Muslim Intellectual

The People of the Edge: Religious Reform and the Burden of the Western Muslim Intellectual ...

Maqasid al-Shari’ah Ijtihad and Civilisational Renewal

Maqasid al-Shari’ah, Ijtihad and Civilisational Renewal

Maqasid al-Shari’ah Ijtihad and Civilisational Renewal ...


Apostates Islam & Freedom of Faith Change of Conviction vs Change of Allegiance

Apostates Islam & Freedom of Faith Change of Conviction vs Change of Allegiance In this new ...


The Parameters of Halal and Haram in Shari’ah and the Halal Industry

The Parameters of Halal and Haram in Shari’ah and the Halal Industry ...


The Arts of Islamic Civilization

The Arts of Islamic Civilization ...


Crisis in the Muslim Mind

Crisis in the Muslim Mind Across the Muslim world today if anything is self-evident it is that ...


lslamization of Knowledge Conceptual Background Vision and Tasks

lslamization of Knowledge Conceptual Background Vision and Tasks ...

The Essence of Islamic Civilization

The Essence of Islamic Civilization

The Essence of Islamic Civilization There can be no doubt that the essence of Islamic civilizat ...


Contribution of Islamic Thought to Modern Economics

Islamic awakening needed a new economic doctrine, efficient and morally superior to the secular ...


An Introduction to Islamic Economics

An Introduction to Islamic Economics The present book aims at showing the contours of an Islam ...

Islamic Thought and Culture

Islamic Thought and Culture

Islamic Thought and Culture Most of the papers presented under Muslim-Christian Encounter or Is ...


The Quranic Worldview: A Springboard for Cultural Reform

The Quranic Worldview: A Springboard for Cultural Reform This is a carefully reasoned, positive ...

Imam al-Shatibi’s : Theory of the Higher Objectives and Intents of Islamic Law

Imam al-Shatibi’s : Theory of the Higher Objectives and Intents of Islamic Law

Islamic Law With the end of the early Islamic period, Muslim scholars came to sense that a rift ...

Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil

Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil Challenging Historical & Modern Stereotypes

Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil A powerful critique of the popular western notion that the ...
