آخر تحديث 8/5/2019 12:30
الأحد, 30 يونيو 2024
ذو الحجة 23, 1445
عدد الكتب 10420

Why Islam?

Why Islam?
  • سنة النشر: 2019
  • عدد صفحات الكتاب: 42
  • عدد زيارات الكتاب: 6328
  • عدد تحميل الكتاب: 3720
  • عدد القراءة: 3144

Why Islam?

Ever since Man appeared on earth – from the time of Adam– the Creator appointed the most righteous person in a particular society as a prophet to guide mankind towards Truth with ultimate goal of reaching Him.

Throughout history, He would send a prophet whenever people slipped into moral decline and aimless lives; after an earlier prophets’ message became corrupted and adulterated.
All Prophets carried the same message to all nations. A simple straightforward message as the condition of salvation: Belief in One God (the Creator) and unifying Him in worship.

