Last Updated 15/12/2020 12:39
Mon, 30 Sep 2024
Rabia Awal 26, 1446
Number of Books 10436

Improving Lives By Reflecting On The Verses Of The Quran

Improving Lives By Reflecting On The Verses Of The Quran
  • Number of Pages: 25
  • Book visits: 13210
  • Book Downloads: 3657
  • Book Reads: 3177

Improving Lives By Reflecting On The Verses Of The Quran

Though unlettered nation when the noble Quran came to the Arabs, they received it with attentive hearts.

Before memorizing it, they first implemented it in their lives and their behaviors.

This was in response to the Almighty’s injunction: Read.

This thoughtful reading of the Qur’an bore fruit, entirely changing the lives of those first Muslims.

