Last Updated 3/4/2019 1:48
Wed, 03 Jul 2024
Dhul-Hijjah 26, 1445
Number of Books 10422

Allah, His Beautiful Names

Allah, His Beautiful Names
  • Book Editor: ann ronayne
  • Publisher: global academy for translation & education
  • Year of Publication: 2018
  • Number of Pages: 16
  • Book visits: 4554
  • Book Downloads: 2703
  • Book Reads: 1991

Allah, His Beautiful Names

The Glorious Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad teach us about the names of Allah, the One True God. For example, the Glorious Qur’an states:
{And to Allah belong the beautiful names, so invoke (call on) Him by them.} (7:180)
When we supplicate to Allah, we are encouraged to call Him by His beautiful names or by the name that is related to our request or need. These names do not indicate that Allah is more than one being; they are names that describe the different attributes that belong to the One True God (Allah).

This book includes clarification of the Most Beautiful Names of Allah, glory be to Him.

Source : global academy for translation & education
