- Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Publishers
- 1992
- 158
- 12841
- 5025
- 4447
A Geographical History of the Qur’an
Curiously enough, no serious attempt has been made to write a book on the geographical and historical background of the Qur’an with a view to proving the authenticity of the Qur’anic accounts and refuting the unjustified criticisms that have been levelled by the missionaries of non-Muslim faiths against the Qur’an.
The only solitary exception is my learned teacher Allamah Sayyid Sulaiman Nadvi’s Ard-ul Qur’an, in Urdu, published in 1915, which is based on the most authoritative and reliable sources.
For my part I had long cherished the desire to write a book on the subject in English for the English-knowing public. But after a careful consideration I came to the conclusion that I could not do better than assimilate the contents of that book and supplement them by extracts and quotations from other sources that have since come to light.