The Vastness of Islam and its Tolerance with all Religion

The Vastness of Islam and its Tolerance with all Religion

The Qur'an is a universal teaching which means the human being wherever he is and to whatever race he belongs. Constantly calling to reason, to the good sense and to the noble feelings.

Book Author: Mohamed Abdel Azim Aly

Book visits: 12851

Book Downloads: 4502

The Message -8

The Message -8

The Message -8

Book Author: United Muslims of Australia

Book visits: 23262

Book Downloads: 5915

Fundamentals of Islam

Fundamentals of Islam

Fundamentals of Islam

Book Author: Syed Abul A’la Maududi

Book visits: 10416

Book Downloads: 8213

Why Islam? Proofs of Modern Science

Why Islam? Proofs of Modern Science

Why should an intellectual embrace Islam? We shall try to prove herein that the truth and perfect of the Qur’an, revealed between the years 611 and 632 A.C could not have possible been the work of Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him)

Book Author: Nabil Abdelsalam Haroun

Book Translator: Mohammad Mahmoud Ghali

Book visits: 13710

Book Downloads: 4496

The New Testament in Question

The New Testament in Question

The New Testament in Question People have argued, have killed each other, have waged wars throughout the course of the last two thousand years over the way in which particular passages of the New Testament should be understood.

Book Author: Robert W. Mood

Book visits: 11968

Book Downloads: 5074

Tawheed for Children Knowing Allah

Tawheed for Children Knowing Allah

Tawheed for Children: Knowing Allah

Book Author: Saleh Assaleh

Book visits: 13345

Book Downloads: 4457

Why I Chose Islam

Why I Chose Islam

Why I Chose Islam

Book Author: M. Emery

Book visits: 13421

Book Downloads: 4721

The Qur’an: English Meanings

The Qur’an: English Meanings

There is clearly a need for a presentation of the meanings of the Holy Qur'an in English which is precise enough to be useful as a reference for Muslims and students of Arabic yet also suitable for da`wah purposes to non-Muslims.

Publisher: Al-Muntada Al-Islami

Book Translator: Saheeh International

Book visits: 11187

Book Downloads: 3315

The Economic Order In Islam

The Economic Order In Islam

The most comprehensive arrangement, covering both the means of sustenance needed in this world as well as the means of attaining bliss and felicity in the Hereafter

Book Author: S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

Book visits: 9849

Book Downloads: 2847

Tales Of The Prophets

Tales Of The Prophets

Tales Of The Prophets

Book Author: S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

Publisher: Academy of Islamic Research & Publications

Book visits: 10225

Book Downloads: 3879

The Rights of Non-Muslims in Islamic State

The Rights of Non-Muslims in Islamic State

The Rights of Non-Muslims in Islamic State

Book Author: S. Abul Ala Mawdudi

Book visits: 15064

Book Downloads: 4788

A Geographical History of the Qur’an

A Geographical History of the Qur’an

A Geographical History of the Qur'an Curiously enough, no serious attempt has been made to write a book on the geographical and historical background of the Qur'an with a view to proving the authenticity


Publisher: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Publishers

Book visits: 12297

Book Downloads: 4666

The Three Abrahamic Faiths and Their Roles in Making Peace, Unity and Co-Existence

The Three Abrahamic Faiths and Their Roles in Making Peace, Unity and Co-Existence

The three Divine Abrahamic faiths i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam, revealed to the prophets of God

Book Author: M.D. Yousuf Ali

Publisher: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization

Book visits: 13481

Book Downloads: 4438

Human Rights in Islam

Human Rights in Islam

The people in the West have the habit of attributing every good thing to themselves and try to prove that it is because of them that the world got this blessing

Book Author: Syed Abul A’la Maududi

Book visits: 12710

Book Downloads: 5176

God’ed? The Case for Islam as the Completion of Revelation

God’ed? The Case for Islam as the Completion of Revelation

God’ed? The Case for Islam as the Completion of Revelation

Book Author: Laurence B. Brown MD

Book visits: 11398

Book Downloads: 3870

Raising Children in Islam – Act of Worship

Raising Children in Islam – Act of Worship

Worship and doctrine are two inseparable things because doctrine represents the theoretical aspect of Islam whereas worship represents its practical aspect.So, worship is the soul of doctrine that gives it life and the mirror that reflects its image.

Book Author: Muhammad Nur Suwayd

Book Translator: Al-Falah Foundation

Book visits: 10566

Book Downloads: 2780

The Promised Prophet of the Bible

The Promised Prophet of the Bible

Muslims believe that to prove the prophet-hood of Muhammad (PBUH) is one of many essential tasks in their religion; therefore, it is a compulsory duty for Muslims to present this evidence and proof. 

Book Author: Munqidh Bin Mahmoud Assaqqar

Book visits: 12799

Book Downloads: 3593

Islamic Facts Refuting the Allegations against Islam

Islamic Facts Refuting the Allegations against Islam

The scholars of Islam answered these allegations each according to his own thought and we do not belittle the efforts of those scholars.

Book Author: Mahmoud Hamdy Zakzouk

Book visits: 15368

Book Downloads: 4473

Some of the Manners of The Prophet

Some of the Manners of The Prophet

There is no doubt that our Prophet (PBUH) was the paradigm of excellent manners, and beautiful characteristics and traits, which no one else comprehensively possessed

Book Author: The Education Department in Madar al-Watan

Book visits: 12299

Book Downloads: 4009

The Cross and the Crescent

The Cross and the Crescent

In The Cross and The Crescent, Dr. Dirks, a former ordained minister (deacon) in the United Methodist Church, a graduate of Harvard Divinity School and with a doctorate in clinical psychology, reaches out to the Christians and the Muslims for an interfaith dialogue.

Book Author: Jerald Dirks

Book visits: 15464

Book Downloads: 4748