Islamic Finance (Q & A)

Islamic Finance (Q & A)

Islamic Finance (Q & A)

Book Author: Onislam


Book visits: 11090

Book Downloads: 3533

Best Women on the Face of the Earth

Best Women on the Face of the Earth

Best Women on the Face of the Earth

Book Author: Faruq Post

Book visits: 8777

Book Downloads: 2206

The Role of Colonization on the Political System

The Role of Colonization on the Political System

The Role of Colonization on the Political System of the Muslim World

Publisher: website

Book visits: 11236

Book Downloads: 4378

Death and Resurrection

Death and Resurrection

Death and Resurrection

Book Author: Islamic Propagation Office in Rabwah

Book visits: 9727

Book Downloads: 3101

Why I Ask People to Become Muslims

Why I Ask People to Become Muslims

Why I Ask People to Become Muslims: A Few of the Reasons

Book Author: Yahya George Maxwell

Book visits: 10824

Book Downloads: 4045

Qur’an and People with Disabilities

Qur’an and People with Disabilities

Qur’an and People with Disabilities Allah (Exalted be He) is full of grace for man; He created him in the fairest stature, and has subjected to his use all things in the heavens and on earth.

Book Author: E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)

Book visits: 9581

Book Downloads: 5133




Book Author: al-Jumuah Magazine

Book visits: 10913

Book Downloads: 3651

Ramadan Preperation Course Pack

Ramadan Preperation Course Pack

Ramadan Preperation Course Pack

Book Author: Tayyibun Institute


Book visits: 8792

Book Downloads: 3313

Recharge your Faith – How to Make your Ramadan Outstanding

Recharge your Faith – How to Make your Ramadan Outstanding

Recharge your Faith - How to Make your Ramadan Outstanding

Book Author: Amirah Mauthoor

Book visits: 10876

Book Downloads: 3536

All About Ramadan

All About Ramadan

All About Ramadan

Book Author: Onislam

Book visits: 11029

Book Downloads: 3547

Your Day in Ramadan

Your Day in Ramadan

Your Day in Ramadan


Book visits: 11272

Book Downloads: 3475




Book Author: Syed Abul A’la Maududi

Book visits: 12044

Book Downloads: 7189

The Fifteenth Century

The Fifteenth Century

Celebrations in connection with the advent of the fifteenth century of Islamic Era were started well in advance, before its beginning on the 1st of Muharram 1401 A .H. (10 h November, 1980).

Book Author: S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

Publisher: Academy of Islamic Research & Publications

Book visits: 11894

Book Downloads: 3803

The Compilation of Hadeeth

The Compilation of Hadeeth

This book is a translation of the introduction to the Urdu booklet “Intikhaab-e-Hadeeth” (The Compilation of Hadeeth) of Shaykh Abdul Ghaffar Hassan Rehmaanee.

Book Author: Abdul Gaffar Hasan

Book visits: 11465

Book Downloads: 4347

25 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Islam

25 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Islam

The pluralistic American society is changing from being a "melting pot" to a "salad bowl"' in which all ingredients are encouraged to preserve and display their distinct individual taste and flavor

Book Author: Shahid Athar

Book visits: 11546

Book Downloads: 3366

Epistemological Bias in the Physical and Social Sciences

Epistemological Bias in the Physical and Social Sciences

Epistemological Bias in the Physical and Social Sciences The question of bias in methodology and terminology is a problem that faces researchers east, west, north and south, however, it faces Third World intellectuals with special keenness.

Book Author: Abdelwahab M. Elmessiri

Publisher: International Institute of Islamic Thought

Book visits: 10584

Book Downloads: 4382

The Prophecies in the Bible for the Advent of Prophet Muhammad

The Prophecies in the Bible for the Advent of Prophet Muhammad

The Prophecies in the Bible for the Advent of prophet Muhammad (pbuh)," by Mr. M.A.C. Cave. This publication documents the various prophecies in the Bible on the advent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as Messenger of Allah (God).

Book Author: M. A. C. Cave

Publisher: WAMY

Book visits: 15991

Book Downloads: 5974

The Excellent Names Of God

The Excellent Names Of God

This brochure gives all the Excellent (or beautiful) Names of Allah which either occur in the Qur'an or were taught by the holy Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him). God says in the Qur'an : "Allah's are the excellent names, so call Him by them"

Book Author: S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

Publisher: Academy of Islamic Research & Publications

Book visits: 9351

Book Downloads: 3061

Stay Fit for Ramadan

Stay Fit for Ramadan

Stay Fit for Ramadan

Book Author: Onislam

Book visits: 12326

Book Downloads: 3525

Islam in a Changing Word

Islam in a Changing Word

ISLAM IN A CHANGING WORLDA seminar on ISLAM IN A CHANGING WORLD was held in January 1977 under the auspices of Aligarh Muslim University's Department of Islamic Studies in which

Book Author: S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

Publisher: Academy of Islamic Research & Publications

Book visits: 14703

Book Downloads: 4855