All About Zakat al-Fitr

All About Zakat al-Fitr

E-Da`wah Committee (EDC) presents this ebook "All About Zakat al-Fitr" for new Muslims to learn how, when and why Zakat al-Fitr is paid. Every Muslim is required to pay Zakat al-Fitr at the conclusion of the month of Ramadan as a token of thankful¬ness to God for having enabled him to observe fasts. Its purpose is to purify those who fast from any indecent act or speech and to help the poor and needy.

Book Author: E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)

Book visits: 17724

Book Downloads: 6458

Zakat al-Fitr

Zakat al-Fitr

This short book explains the necessity for the proper collection and distribution of Zakaat al-Fitr is a kind of charity (sadaqah)

Book Author: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid

Book visits: 14410

Book Downloads: 4530

`Eid Al-Fitr: Share, Rejoice and Worship

`Eid Al-Fitr: Share, Rejoice and Worship

`Eid Al-Fitr: Share, Rejoice and Worship After days and nights of devotion, worship, day fasting, night vigil prayers and supplications

Book Author: Onislam

Book visits: 22631

Book Downloads: 4500

Husband-Wife Relationship in Ramadan

Husband-Wife Relationship in Ramadan

Husband-Wife Relationship in Ramadan

Book Author: Onislam

Book visits: 21755

Book Downloads: 6379

Determining the Times of Fajr and Imsak

Determining the Times of Fajr and Imsak

The Sunnah and Elements of Flexibility in Determining the Times of Fajr and Imsak is a research paper prepared by Sheikh Ahmad Kutty.

Book Author: Ahmad Kutty


Book visits: 6957

Book Downloads: 3549

Lessons on Fasting, Taraaweeh & Zakaat

Lessons on Fasting, Taraaweeh & Zakaat

Lessons on Fasting, Taraaweeh & Zakaat

Book Author: Sheikh Muhammad Salih Al-Uthaimeen

Publisher: Al-Ibaanah Book Publishing

Book Translator: Abu Maryam Ismaeel Alarcon

Book visits: 11771

Book Downloads: 3839

Guiadance For Fasting Muslims

Guiadance For Fasting Muslims

Guiadance For Fasting Muslims

Book Author: Sheikh Muhammad Salih Al-Uthaimeen

Publisher: Cooperative Office For Call & Guidance In North RiYadh

Book Translator: Khandaker A N M Abdullah

Book visits: 15099

Book Downloads: 4990

The Book of (Siyaam) Fasting

The Book of (Siyaam) Fasting

The Book of (Siyaam) Fasting

Book Author: Muhammad B. Ibraheem At-Tuwaijry

Book Translator: Mahmoud B. Ridha Murad

Book visits: 13091

Book Downloads: 5965

Zakaah and Fasting

Zakaah and Fasting

Zakaah and Fasting

Book Author: Darussalam

Book visits: 13092

Book Downloads: 4981

Fiqh of Fasting

Fiqh of Fasting

Fiqh of Fasting

Book Author: Bilal Philips

Book visits: 18729

Book Downloads: 6268

The Nature Of Fasting

The Nature Of Fasting

The Nature Of Fasting

Book Author: Shaykh Al-Islam Taqiuddin Ahmad `Abdul-Halim Ibn Taymiyyah


Book visits: 11679

Book Downloads: 4865

Fasting Is Protection

Fasting Is Protection

Fasting Is Protection

Book Author: Khalid Aljuraisy

Book visits: 12520

Book Downloads: 4035

Guidance For Fasting Muslims

Guidance For Fasting Muslims

Guidance For Fasting Muslims

Book Author: Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Othaimeen

Book Translator: Muhammad AbdulRaoof

Book visits: 11999

Book Downloads: 4446

The Holy Quran and the Environment

The Holy Quran and the Environment


Book Author: Ghazi bin Muhammad- Reza Shah-Kazemi and Aftab Ahmed

Publisher: the royal aal al-bayt institute for islamic thought

Book visits: 12792

Book Downloads: 4185

Islam- Christianity And the Environment

Islam- Christianity And the Environment

Islam- Christianity And the Environment

Book Author: Wilfried Hofmann- Dr. Martin Arnet- Dr. Dietmar Mieth

Publisher: The Royal Aal Al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought

Book visits: 13179

Book Downloads: 4582

Translation of Religious Terminology: Al-Fat-h Al-Islami as a Model

Translation of Religious Terminology: Al-Fat-h Al-Islami as a Model

This paper is an attempt to illustrate the importance of understanding the religious and cultural background of the ST in the translation process in order to reach an accurate and precise translation product in the TL.

Book Author: Ali Al-Halawani

Publisher: Canadian Center of Science and Education

Book visits: 5506

Book Downloads: 2223

Islam and the Sanatan Dharm

Islam and the Sanatan Dharm

The divine revelation for the human mind is like the external light to eyes. The light of the eye alone is not enough in the process of vision unless it is accompanied by an outer light.

Book Author: E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)

Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee

Book visits: 8573

Book Downloads: 4722




Book Author: Onislam

Book visits: 15000

Book Downloads: 4460

The Night Journey and the Ascension

The Night Journey and the Ascension

The Night Journey and the Ascension

Book Author: Aaishah Stasi

Book visits: 9539

Book Downloads: 3804

Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj

Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj

Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj This is the 2nd edition of our successful eBook Al-Israa' & Al-Mi`raj: The Inspiring Journey.

Book Author: Onislam

Book visits: 13850

Book Downloads: 5210