Muhammad (sws) Truly Is the Prophet of Allah

Muhammad (sws) Truly Is the Prophet of Allah

Muhammad (sws) Truly Is the Prophet of Allah This research presents testimony, in the form of statements, admissions and declarations


Book visits: 15236

Book Downloads: 5147

Maqasid al-Shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law A Systems Approach

Maqasid al-Shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law A Systems Approach

Systems Approach book will benefit all those interested in the relationship between Islam a wide variety of subjects such as philosophy of law

Book Author: Jasser Auda

Publisher: The International Institute of Islamic Thought

Book visits: 14769

Book Downloads: 6055

Authentication of Hadith Redefining the Criteria

Authentication of Hadith Redefining the Criteria

Authentication of Hadith Redefining the Criteria In today s complex and volatile world the consequences of relying on fraudulent

Book Author: Israr Ahmad Khan

Publisher: International Institute of Islamic Thought

Book visits: 12301

Book Downloads: 4605

Maqasid al-Shariah  A Beginner’s Guide

Maqasid al-Shariah A Beginner’s Guide

Maqasid al-Shariah A Beginner’s Guide Current applications (or rather, misapplications) of Islamic law are reductionist rather than holistic

Book Author: Jasser Auda

Publisher: The International Institute of Islamic Thought

Book visits: 12709

Book Downloads: 4762

Purification of the Soul

Purification of the Soul

Purification of the Soul or a number of reasons, this is a very important time to be writing a book of this nature.

Book Author: Jamaal Zarabozo

Publisher: islamhouse

Book visits: 16774

Book Downloads: 5004

I am a Muslim

I am a Muslim

I am a Muslim I believe in Allah  alone with no partner, there is no God but Him. He begets not, nor was he begotten

Book Author: Mohamed Asharaf Salah

Publisher: islamhouse

Book visits: 15630

Book Downloads: 3786

Dawah Training Manual

Dawah Training Manual

Dawah Training Manual Dawah means to invite or to summon. Usually understood to mean to preach Many different ways to invite to Islam

Book Author: Fazal Rahman

Book Translator: Muhammad AbdulRaoof

Book visits: 12979

Book Downloads: 4512

Bible Prophecies of Muhammad

Bible Prophecies of Muhammad

Bible Prophecies of Muhammad The Biblical evidence that Muhammad is not a false prophet. The difficulties faced in discussing biblical

Book Author: IslamHouse


Book visits: 14146

Book Downloads: 5386

Reviving the Abandoned Sunnan

Reviving the Abandoned Sunnan

Reviving the Abandoned Sunnan The Happiness of Servants is in the Guidance of the Best of ServantsThanks to Al-lah for sending his messenger

Book Author: Abdul-Malik al-Qasim

Publisher: Website of Rasoulullah

Book visits: 4099

Book Downloads: 2606

The Muslim Woman’s book

The Muslim Woman’s book

The Muslim Woman’s book In this book, the author mention some provisions relating to Muslim women in brief

Book Author: Department of Jaliyat in Zulfi

Publisher: Department of Foreigners’ Awareness at Az-Zulfy

Book visits: 4290

Book Downloads: 2340

The Global Messenger

The Global Messenger

The Global Messenger The book is divided mainly into two sections, although the topics covered in both are interrelated and complimentary.

Book visits: 11842

Book Downloads: 4155

Why I Chose Islam? Stories About New Muslims’ Journeys to Islam​

Why I Chose Islam? Stories About New Muslims’ Journeys to Islam​

Why I Chose Islam? Stories About New Muslims’ Journeys to Islam​ The process of conversion or reversion isn't a simple journey

Book Author: Onislam

Book visits: 13780

Book Downloads: 4654

The Lies about Muhammad

The Lies about Muhammad

In the book "The lies about Muhammad", well known American Muslim scholar Moustafa Zayed refutes the historical errors and allegations in the New York Times Bestseller book "The Truth about Muhammad" by Robert Spencer.

Book Author: Moustafa Zayed


Book visits: 4900

Book Downloads: 2159

The Beautiful Names of Allah

The Beautiful Names of Allah

The Beautiful Names of Allah This booklet provides a brief definition of the meanings of Allah’s Beautiful Names, along with textual evidence

Book Author: Muhammad Mustafa Bakri

Publisher: islamhouse

Book visits: 4457

Book Downloads: 2726

Omar ibn Al-Khattab

Omar ibn Al-Khattab

Omar ibn Al-Khattab This book is a try to introduce the biography of the Companion Omar ibn Al-Khattab in a simple way

Book Author: Kamal Ahmad

Publisher: islamhouse

Book visits: 7244

Book Downloads: 3669

The Relief From Distress an explanation to the du’a of Yunus

The Relief From Distress an explanation to the du’a of Yunus

The Relief From Distress an explanation to the du’a of Yunus

Book Author: Ibn Taymiyya

Book Translator: Mahmoud Reda Murad

Book visits: 13354

Book Downloads: 3602

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq This book is a try to introduce the biography of the Companion Abu Bakr in a simple way

Book Author: Kamal Ahmad

Publisher: islamhouse

Book visits: 10565

Book Downloads: 3788

Is there a true religion

Is there a true religion

Is there a true religion In this book, Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips tries to prove that Islam is the only true religion today. He shows the features of Islam in comparison with the other religions.

Book Author: Bilal Philips


Book visits: 6460

Book Downloads: 4906

Human Rights in Islam

Human Rights in Islam

Human Rights in Islam In this booklet the author address human rights in the light of perfectly balanced system of laws and principles

Book Author: AbdulRahman Bin Abdulkarim Al-Sheha

Publisher: Islamic Propagation Office in Rabwah

Book visits: 4085

Book Downloads: 2045



THE AMAZING PROPHECIES OF MUHAMMAD IN THE BIBLE this book sheds light on biblical proofs that Muhammad is a true Prophet of Allah

Book Author: Majed S. Al-Rassi

Book visits: 16431

Book Downloads: 5597