Islam and Peace

Islam and Peace

Islam and Peace The word Islam means true peace gained by the willing submission to Allah's guidance All the teachings of Islam

Book Author: Wahiduddin Khan


Book visits: 11663

Book Downloads: 3865

Islam is The Religion of Peace

Islam is The Religion of Peace

Islam is The Religion of Peace This book addresses an important subject, a concept of Islam from the social justice and fighting injustice

Book Author: Abdur-Rahman alSheha

Book Translator: Abu Salman Deya-ud-Deen Eberle

Book visits: 12247

Book Downloads: 3788

The Road to Peace and Salvation

The Road to Peace and Salvation

The Road to Peace and Salvation There are major issues which vex every thinking man and woman at sometime in life.

Book Author: S. Abul Ala Mawdudi

Publisher: U.K.I.M. Dawah Centre

Book visits: 13494

Book Downloads: 3978

Guidelines for a Successful Marriage

Guidelines for a Successful Marriage

The sanctity and status of marriage is great in Islam, and it is especially encouraged among the youth. Marriage is an institution that unites a man and woman in a permissible and, indeed, much encouraged relationship

Book Author: islamweb


Book visits: 7592

Book Downloads: 4156

A Mercy to the Universe

A Mercy to the Universe

A Mercy to the Universe Read more on how the the Prophet (peace be upon him) was a mercy to the universe.

Book Author: Saeed Bin Ali Bin Wahf Al-Qahtani

Book Translator: Faisal bin Muhammad Shaeeq

Book visits: 8593

Book Downloads: 7405

Etiquettes of a Muslim on Friday

Etiquettes of a Muslim on Friday

Etiquettes of a Muslim on Friday Many people are unaware of what the etiquette of a Muslim on Friday should be and most are unaware of

Book Author: Abu Ibrahim Abdul Majid


Book visits: 14528

Book Downloads: 3433

Selected Friday Sermons

Selected Friday Sermons

Selected Friday Sermons

Book Author: Ifta Office Washington

Book visits: 12087

Book Downloads: 3537

30 Short Friday Khutbah

30 Short Friday Khutbah

These short Friday khutbahs were taken from Islamic affairs in Dubai . The titles of khutbahs cover different subjects like (purity, Trust, Wisdom, supplication, Family, prayer).

Book Author: Ali Ateeq Al-Dhaheri

Book visits: 214462

Book Downloads: 78474

Zakat al-Fitr

Zakat al-Fitr

This short book explains the necessity for the proper collection and distribution of Zakaat al-Fitr is a kind of charity (sadaqah)

Book Author: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid

Book visits: 14352

Book Downloads: 4501

`Eid Al-Fitr: Share, Rejoice and Worship

`Eid Al-Fitr: Share, Rejoice and Worship

`Eid Al-Fitr: Share, Rejoice and Worship After days and nights of devotion, worship, day fasting, night vigil prayers and supplications

Book Author: Onislam

Book visits: 22578

Book Downloads: 4451

Husband-Wife Relationship in Ramadan

Husband-Wife Relationship in Ramadan

Husband-Wife Relationship in Ramadan

Book Author: Onislam

Book visits: 21709

Book Downloads: 6355

Lessons on Fasting, Taraaweeh & Zakaat

Lessons on Fasting, Taraaweeh & Zakaat

Lessons on Fasting, Taraaweeh & Zakaat

Book Author: Sheikh Muhammad Salih Al-Uthaimeen

Publisher: Al-Ibaanah Book Publishing

Book Translator: Abu Maryam Ismaeel Alarcon

Book visits: 11746

Book Downloads: 3818

Guiadance For Fasting Muslims

Guiadance For Fasting Muslims

Guiadance For Fasting Muslims

Book Author: Sheikh Muhammad Salih Al-Uthaimeen

Publisher: Cooperative Office For Call & Guidance In North RiYadh

Book Translator: Khandaker A N M Abdullah

Book visits: 15070

Book Downloads: 4973

The Book of (Siyaam) Fasting

The Book of (Siyaam) Fasting

The Book of (Siyaam) Fasting

Book Author: Muhammad B. Ibraheem At-Tuwaijry

Book Translator: Mahmoud B. Ridha Murad

Book visits: 13051

Book Downloads: 5940

Zakaah and Fasting

Zakaah and Fasting

Zakaah and Fasting

Book Author: Darussalam

Book visits: 13050

Book Downloads: 4964

Fiqh of Fasting

Fiqh of Fasting

Fiqh of Fasting

Book Author: Bilal Philips

Book visits: 18670

Book Downloads: 6240

The Nature Of Fasting

The Nature Of Fasting

The Nature Of Fasting

Book Author: Shaykh Al-Islam Taqiuddin Ahmad `Abdul-Halim Ibn Taymiyyah


Book visits: 11655

Book Downloads: 4842

Fasting Is Protection

Fasting Is Protection

Fasting Is Protection

Book Author: Khalid Aljuraisy

Book visits: 12461

Book Downloads: 4002

Guidance For Fasting Muslims

Guidance For Fasting Muslims

Guidance For Fasting Muslims

Book Author: Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Othaimeen

Book Translator: Muhammad AbdulRaoof

Book visits: 11963

Book Downloads: 4421

The Holy Quran and the Environment

The Holy Quran and the Environment


Book Author: Ghazi bin Muhammad- Reza Shah-Kazemi and Aftab Ahmed

Publisher: the royal aal al-bayt institute for islamic thought

Book visits: 12745

Book Downloads: 4158