القائمة الرئيسية
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Muslim Library | The Comprehensive Muslim e-Library
آخر تحديث 23-1-2014
الخميس, 26 ديسمبر 2024
جمادى الآخر 25, 1446
Number of Books 10367
أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
A Conversation with an Atheist

A Conversation with an Atheist

In an attempt to make use of Muslim scholarship in the field of Da`wah, the E-Da`wah Committee (EDC) presents in this ebook a conversation that took place between the prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali and an atheist.

Book Author: Muhammad Alghazali

Book Translator: EDC

Book visits: 17506

Book Downloads: 5939

Muhammad in the Bible

Muhammad in the Bible

Muhammad in the Bible This booklet briefly describes some of the many verses in the Bible that deal with the coming of Muhammad

Book Author: One reason

Book visits: 24564

Book Downloads: 6601

Rules on How to Interact with Non-Muslims

Rules on How to Interact with Non-Muslims

Rules on How to Interact with Non-Muslims

Book Author: Khalid b. Muhammad al-Maajid

Book visits: 11040

Book Downloads: 4360

A Guide to Giving Da’wah To Non-Muslims

A Guide to Giving Da’wah To Non-Muslims

A Guide to Giving Da’wah To Non-Muslims

Book Author: Zeinab Hassan Ashry

Book visits: 15134

Book Downloads: 5804

A Reappraisal of Attitudes to the 'People of the Book' in the Qur'an and hadrth, with articular Reference to Muslim Fiscal policy and the Covenant of 'Umar

A Reappraisal of Attitudes to the 'People of the Book' in the Qur'an and hadrth, with articular Reference to Muslim Fiscal policy and the Covenant of 'Umar

A Reappraisal of Attitudes to the 'People of the Book' in the Qur'an and hadrth, with articular Reference to Muslim Fiscal policy and the Covenant of 'Umar

Book Author: Mahmood Hassaan al-Denawy

Book visits: 10481

Book Downloads: 3901