Medieval Jewish-Muslim Contribution to the Academic Study of Religion: A Study in the Methodology of Saadia Al Fayyuni and Muhammad Al Shahrastani

Medieval Jewish-Muslim Contribution to the Academic Study of Religion: A Study in the Methodology of Saadia Al Fayyuni and Muhammad Al Shahrastani

Medieval Jewish-Muslim Contribution to the Academic Study of Religion: A Study in the Methodology of Saadia Al Fayyuni and Muhammad Al Shahrastani

Book Author: Muhammad Hasan Khalifah

Book visits: 11767

Book Downloads: 3872

Ibn Hazm on Christianity: An Analysis to His Religious Approaches

Ibn Hazm on Christianity: An Analysis to His Religious Approaches

Ibn Hazm on Christianity: An Analysis to His Religious Approaches

Book Author: Mahmud Ahmad

Book visits: 11094

Book Downloads: 3555

Christianity and Islam

Christianity and Islam

Christianity and Islam

Book Author: Muhammad AbdulRaoof

Book visits: 14387

Book Downloads: 4041

The Qur'an and the Gospels – A comparative study

The Qur'an and the Gospels – A comparative study

The Qur'an and the Gospels - A comparative study

Book Author: Dr.Mohammad M.R. Abu Layla

Book visits: 11733

Book Downloads: 3667

Muhammad (pbuh)Foretold in the Bible by Name

Muhammad (pbuh)Foretold in the Bible by Name

Muhammad (pbuh)Foretold in the Bible by Name

Book Author: Abdus Sattar Ghauri and Dr. Ihsanur Rahman Ghauri

Book visits: 17017

Book Downloads: 4021

Women in Islam versus versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition.The Myth and the Reality

Women in Islam versus versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition.The Myth and the Reality

Women in Islam versus versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition.The Myth and the Reality

Book Author: Sherif Abdel Azim

Book visits: 12478

Book Downloads: 4300

The Only Son offered for Sacrifice Isaac or Ishmael?

The Only Son offered for Sacrifice Isaac or Ishmael?

The Only Son offered for Sacrifice Isaac or Ishmael?

Book Author: Abdus Sattar Ghauri and Dr. Ihsanur Rahman Ghauri

Book visits: 14215

Book Downloads: 4081