The Life of Jesus (Isa) in Islam

The Life of Jesus (Isa) in Islam

The Life of Jesus (Isa) in Islam

Book Author: Ahmad Musa Jibril

Book visits: 5925

Book Downloads: 5060

The True Message of Jesus Christ

The True Message of Jesus Christ

The True Message of Jesus Christ

Book Author: Bilal Philips

Book visits: 18710

Book Downloads: 6185

Relationships of the Great: Prophet Muhammad Presents HisBrother Jesus to Mankind

Relationships of the Great: Prophet Muhammad Presents HisBrother Jesus to Mankind

Relationships of the Great: Prophet Muhammad Presents HisBrother Jesus to Mankind

Book Author: Zeinul Abdeen Al-Rikabi

Book visits: 11287

Book Downloads: 4398

Jesus and The Bible

Jesus and The Bible

Jesus & The Bible

Book Author: Rashad Abdul Muhaimin

Book visits: 9896

Book Downloads: 3254

Is the New Testament God’s word?

Is the New Testament God’s word?

Is the New Testament God’s word?

Book Author: Munqith ibn Mahmoud As-Saqqaar

Book Translator: Dr. Ali Qassem

Book visits: 11441

Book Downloads: 5010

Is Jusus God?

Is Jusus God?

Is Jusus God?

Book Author: Shabir Ally

Book visits: 17097

Book Downloads: 5123

Did God Become Man?

Did God Become Man?

Did God Become Man?

Book Author: Bilal Philips

Book visits: 18916

Book Downloads: 6376

The Da Vinci Code Broken

The Da Vinci Code Broken

The Da Vinci Code Broken

Book Author: Yusuf Estes

Book visits: 10308

Book Downloads: 3699

Christianity: The Original and the Present Reality

Christianity: The Original and the Present Reality

Christianity: The Original and the Present Reality

Book Author: Muhammad bin Abdullah as-Saheem

Book Translator: Abdul-Qaadir Abdul-Khaaliq

Book visits: 9585

Book Downloads: 3516

The True Message of Jesus Christ

The True Message of Jesus Christ

The True Message of Jesus Christ This book is a brief summary in which I wish to clarify the origin of Christianity and its present-day reality.

Book Author: Faten Sabri


Book visits: 7388

Book Downloads: 3014

Who wrote the Bible?

Who wrote the Bible?

Who wrote the Bible? This book refutes the Church's claims about the four Gospels and their attribution to the disciples of Jesus, peace be upon him.

Book Author: Ahmed Al-amir

Book visits: 8711

Book Downloads: 4107

Jesus the Messiah

Jesus the Messiah

Jesus the Messiah An explanation of the 'real' message and religion which Jesus (peace be upon him) came with, from both the Bible and the Qur'an. How did the Quran Narrated the stories of the messengers and prophets from Adam to Muhammad

Book Author: Abdullah Al-Qenaei

Book Translator: Muhammad AbdulRaoof

Book visits: 18401

Book Downloads: 5730

Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

As a matter of fact, numerous beliefs are held about Jesus, the truth about whom is considered one of the most controversial topics among the followers of the various faiths.

Book Author: E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)

Publisher: E-Da`wah committee

Book visits: 28577

Book Downloads: 9401

Christmas, Jesus & Islam

Christmas, Jesus & Islam

In this book you can learn about: * The Islamic ruling on celebrating Christmas and sharing non-Muslims' festive occasions. * The Islamic view of Jesus and of his role as prophet and messenger.

Book Author: Onislam

Book visits: 13115

Book Downloads: 4505

Was Jesus Crucified for our Atonement?

Was Jesus Crucified for our Atonement?

In order to continue the discussion with Christians, we put forward two following questions, one is historical, and the other is theological.

Book Author: Monqith Ben Mahmoud Assaqar

Book Translator: Ali Qassem

Book visits: 20984

Book Downloads: 5797

The Holy Spirit in Islam and Christianity

The Holy Spirit in Islam and Christianity

The Holy Spirit in Islam and Christianity It is the Holy Spirit. It is such a being who perplexed the followers of the Abrahamic

Book Author: E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)

Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)

Book visits: 9926

Book Downloads: 4348

Tolerance in Christianity and Islam

Tolerance in Christianity and Islam

Controversy sometimes breaks out between Christians and Muslims over which divine message is more tolerant. Some Christians argue that Christianity is more tolerant than Islam.

Book Author: E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)

Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee

Book visits: 6924

Book Downloads: 3499

Does Islam Command Attacking Churches?

Does Islam Command Attacking Churches?

It is safe to say that a given religion can be judged correctly only by two things: its own teachings and the practice of the mainstream doctrine of this religion. A religion cannot be judged by the centrifugal practices or beliefs of some followers, be they liberal or extremist, hither or thither.

Book Author: E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)

Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee

Book visits: 9766

Book Downloads: 4291

History of Christianity and Shift from Monotheism to Trinity: Reflections and Sentiments

History of Christianity and Shift from Monotheism to Trinity: Reflections and Sentiments

Controversy rages between Christians and non-Christians, including Muslims and the followers of the other faiths, and among Christians themselves over the issues of monotheism and the Trinity.

Book Author: E-Da`wah Committee (EDC)

Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee

Book visits: 11905

Book Downloads: 7018

Hunting for the Word of God

Hunting for the Word of God

Hunting for the Word of God: the quest for the original text of the New Testament and the Qur'an in light of textual and historical criticism

Book Author: Sami Ameri

Publisher: Thoughts of Light Publishing

Book visits: 9237

Book Downloads: 4879