АЛЛАХ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ или БОГА НЕТ Исламский взглядпротив атеистического взгляда
Хайя Мухаммад Ид
Aprendiendo Mi oración
La oración es la piedra angular del Islam y su segundo pilar. El Islam de una persona estará incompleto hasta que realice la oración.
J’apprends ma Salât
J'apprends la Salât La Salât… un lien continu avec Allah A llah a décrété un pilier et une base pour la construction de toute
Narjisse Lalouaz & Abir Adly Révision du contenu religieux : Khadijah Eid Abdul Maqsud
Learning My Salah – The Second Pillar of Islam
Salah is the cornerstone of Islam and its second pillar. A person’s Islam is incomplete unless they perform it. How to perform it perfectly, read!
God Or No God: Islamic Viewpoint vs. Atheist Viewpoint
GOD, by definition, is the only Sovereign, Self-Existing, non-created Being to whom everything else owes its existence and completely depends on for survival and power.
A Brief Tour through the Qur’an
A Brief Tour through the Qur'an The first revealed chapter of the Qur’an, Al-‘Alaq (literally, the clot), speaks in particular of the creation of humankind and its origin, a coagulated drop of blood.
Muhammad the Prophet of Mercy
With Prophet Muhammad came the birth of the light that guides to the way of peace, mercy, and happiness. There has come to you from Allah a light and a plain Book wherewith Allah guides those who seek His Good Pleasure to the ways of peace, and He brings them out of darkness by His Will unto light, and guides them to a Straight Path. It is not possible to gather all the rays of this light in hands for humanity to read; but this book will try to draw closer to this most nobly-mannered man, to his Message and mercy, begging help and support only from Allah.